Thursday, January 28, 2010

Change In Hemroids There Somthing Wrong With My Pooh Please Help No Stupid Answers Please?

There somthing wrong with my pooh please help no stupid answers please? - change in hemroids

Ive been good doctor, like millions of times by this and can not find anything, but it seems to have worsened. Tonite when I went to the bathroom was not that 1 / 2 cup been blood in the stool and feces racing career, I've a week. I feel good, but the blood is obviously disturbed and IM not sure what my next steps. Ive had an endoscopy, in addition to the exclusion of the Crown and the cancer, said there was some internal Hemroids that amount too much blood? If so, what should I do if not, what could be. I have lost weight recently and I havent eaten as much as before ... lol thank God, but not this change in diet had desecrated my system yet. I'm really confused when I tried to understand this problem for a number of years. Tonite, but a little scared: (


branwen_... said...

I was afraid if I were you. I'm sorry that you're there. My suggestion is to another doctor and a second opinion. Maybe someone with more experience or other medical history to find the source of health. Have you ever thought of IBS? am not sweat, if your doctor has already examined or not, but I'll throw anyway.

melindar... said...

The first thing that comes to seek a second opinion in mind when Concero and have always seen a document to go elsewhere for a fresh look at your case. Some blood in the Stoll hirerrords is normal or something. But if it could be a lot of weight loss, and something simply has not reached your document.

KissmyKa... said...

It is very difficult to estimate the amount of blood in the stool. In fact, the estimate may be the presence of blood difficult. So if it does not really 1 / 2 cup of blood, I suggest you to a hospital and explain your OT. It could be that your Dr. Said haemarhoids wouldnt but as a rule, that the loss of much blood. You can get haemarhoids if necessary surgically removed

My2Cents said...

Regardless, we need further research and perhaps get a second opinion of May to give more answers.
Ask your doctor if necessary, to show when you are saving to go to the toilet. Too bad, but it may be necessary. Something that is certainly not working and will not answer.
Good luck

Lina_Lov... said...

The same thing happened with my grandfather last year to a year and your doctor can find nothing after several tests. Only when she became ill and was rushed to the emergency room, it was found he had stomach cancer! I say get a second opinion to get even a third, but it will not go to a doctor to a specialist.

John P said...

Bright red blood is an index for hemmorhoids. Interior, it will collect the blood in the rectum until a movement. I appreciate his doc ordered him to increase your fiber intake. That does not sound life threatening, but I would urge your doctor to do a more aggressive treatment for you if it is chronic.

Anonymous said...

You have to go to another doctor and get a second opinion. I do not know what the doc says. You lose weight, diarrhea and blood, and she says nothing has happened? You need a new doctor, and soon, I suppose. In fact, if you have this problem last week and I have not seen a doctor during the week can you go to the emergency room. They seem very concerned. I do not know how this is much worse than usual, you have to do in this process.

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